Job Search

CV Writing: 10 Top Tips

According to research by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), on average almost half of the applicants for every job advertised are perfectly suitable for the role. So if you want to get that interview and the job you deserve, it’s important to make sure your CV – short for curriculum vitae, from the Latin meaning “course of

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Interview scheduled? Remember, preparation is key.

It’s natural to feel nervous about an interview, howeverthere are ways you can manage this feeling. Preparationis key. This will help you feel less nervousor anxious, and allow you to feel morein control of the situation and more confident. Here are my top tips for interview preparation: 1. Researchinto the company and industry. Understand who they are, what they do,

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Redundancy – What Are Your Post-Pandemic Career Options?

Despite the redundancy crisis appearing bleak, it is essential to remember that there are currently millions of job vacancies. But competition for these roles is now at an all-time high, with the applicant to job ratiorising by 84% since the pandemic. If you are currently facing redundancy, your plan should focus on seeing where you fit into the post-pandemic job

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