About Us

CEASE (the Centre to End All Sexual Exploitation) is a national human rights charity.

Our mission is to expose and dismantle the cultural and commercial forces driving all forms of sexual exploitation in the UK.

Sexual exploitation does not occur in a vacuum, and only by addressing the wider context can we hope for real, lasting change.

As a charity, we join the dots between our hypersexualised, objectifying, pornified culture and public attitudes and behaviours towards sex:

• We demonstrate how the mass consumption of online pornography depicting the humiliation, violation and degradation of women and children has real world consequences.
• We shine a light on the widespread exploitation and harm caused by commercial sex industries that undermine our human rights.

We are neither a religious nor an ideologically driven charity but seek to bring together a broad alliance of groups from many backgrounds around a common stance. CEASE’s work is based on peer reviewed research and survivors’ accounts; it takes the form of advocacy, awareness-raising campaigns, events, lobbying and other strategic actions.

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